Friday, October 11, 2013


 The dim water reflect its secrecy
   Clouds are dark hiding its identity
   The rain fell and everything seems wicked
   What exactly is psychology?
   But suddenly, the sun rise up
   The entire place has become dazzling
   Everything seems clearly now than ever
   It is not linked on imagination
   But rather it is a logical science
   You've got to know first about behavior
   It has different schools and areas
   Not only behavior but also process
   Overt and covert acts of a person
   It all purely deals with psychology

 I had been asking myself about things
    Tough things that even myself can't answer
    The same color of eye from your mother
    Similar hair color from your father
    Where did you get your personality?
    Is it because of nature or nurture?
    Human undergoes stages of growth
    It encompasses different changes
    Physical, cognitive or social
    May refer to these different changes
    Different twins were also determined
    Either fraternal or identical
    Every single stage ends with death
    People deal with death in dissimilar ways

 Do you ever think on how brain functions?
     How does it makes every person thinks?
     Does every human have the same brain?
     Do every human differ in their brains?
     Nervous system is in charge in this stuff
     A living tissue made up of cells
     This is a living tissue made of cells
     Glia and neurons are its two classes
     Soma, dendrites, axons, myelin sheath
     Are the parts of neurons with functions
     There are these glial cells, non-neural cells
     Surrounding the neurons holding in place
     Brain has parts, hindbrain, midbrain and forebrain
     Glands having chemicals that they secrete

 Since elementary, we had been taught
    About five sense organs that humans have
    A sense organ for sight so we can see
    A sense organ for hearing to listen 
    A sense organ for tasting to taste foods
    A sense organ for scents for smelling
    Sense organ for touching to feel something
    Sensing is connected to percepting
    Sensing is activating sense organs
    Percepting is mixing many senses
    However, illusion is percepting
    But do not correspond to reality
    Furthermore it is a fool to our eyes
    Thus sensing activates our sense organs

 To be aware is to be conscious of
   Did you ever think of some matters?
   When you sleep at night, are you conscious?
   There are altered states of consciousness
   These are sleep, dremas, hypnosis and drugs
   Sleep has its own stages of it
   From stage one to stage four then REM
   However, sleep has also problems
   Sleep talking is talking when asleep
   Sleep walking is walking when asleep
   Insomnia, having hard time asleep
   Apnea, the difficulty while sleep
   Narcolepsy, sleep is not control
   It is important that we are conscious

 Learning is connected to memory
    While learning, we are remembering 
    Thus it is stored in our memory
    The facts that was stored in memory
    Needs to applied so forgetting will not 
    Occur and make us recall facts faster 
    There are many theories in learning things
    Memory is storing ideas
    It do encode and retrieve ideas
    Memory has kinds and subtypes of it
    Sensory which lasts only in instant
    Short term which holds facts several seconds
    Long term which was stored permanently
    Learning leads to change of a person

 Thinking makes humans superior of all
     More capable than other forms of life
     An individual is always engage
     Person is engaged in thought all the time
     The way people think is not limited 
     Thinking is a process- brain and motor
     Works as brain and motor activity
     Also has different types of thinking
     Free associations and fantasy 
     Delusional and cretive thinking
     However, there are also elements
     Imagery, conceptual and verbal
     Thinking play a huge part in human's life
     Makes every person very productive

 Motivation comes from a Latin word
      This Latin word "movere" means to move
      From then on, people associated
      The word motivation to many things
      They relate it to goals they want to reach
      In the motivation, there are motives
      Classified - primary, social motives
      Primary motives for man's survival
      Social motives for man's social beings
      Also, the theories of motivation
      Maslow's theory and Mcdougal's theory 
      Drive reduction and incentive theory
      Bernard Cannon's homeostatic theory
      Motivation is moving a person

 Emotions is how you feel about now
     Being agry that you want to throw things
     Things that your hands can grab on already
     Being sad that you want to cry so much
     Crying your heart out for too much sorrow 
     Being happy that you are smiling
     Smiling the whole day, heart is jumping
     Emotions can lead to great achievement
     Like the Taj Mahal that was built for love
     There are these emotional reactions 
     These are fear, anger, depression and love
     The fear and anger is almost the same
     Depression isa similar to anger
     Love mainly involves positive feelings

 He is intelligent and also wise
   She is intelligent and also wise
   Now, you're asking yourself, can you be wise?
   Being intelligent is a good thing
   Intelligence describes abilities
   Comprehending and communicating
   Reasoning, planning and problem solving
   No person can excel in all areas
   He excel in one but not in others
   Theory of multiple intelligence
   A theory propose by Howard Gardner
   Believing that each person has areas
   Even though we excel in that or not
   All that matters is that we are wise

 Personality is a set of traits
    Let's have an example for this matter
    Every time Manny Pacquiao win a fight
    His product endorsements tend to increase
    Even his mother and wife, gaining star life
    He also pursue congressional seat
    Even lack of education, training
    Despite of that, people gave him support 
    But what makes Manny Pacquiao different?
    It can be reffered personality
    It is what an individual possess
    Making him unique and one of a kind
    Just as there is no persons are alike
    No personalities are similar

 Why would an individual kill himself?
     What have lead him to commit suicide?
     The only reason behind this is grief
     Grief/depression is kind of dangerous
     When someone is depressed on a matter
     What he can lead to is death/suicide
     When one's objective was block by someone
     With this, the feeling would be frustration
     One's desires is unlimited, not ended
     Dissatisfaction leads to frustration
     Frustration classified into two kinds
     First is dissatisfaction to oneself
     Second is dissatisfaction outside


 Like the shining sun
   In the midst of our dim light
   Psychology brights

 The way flowers bloom
    Is how we go through stages
    Growing inch by inch

 The moon guides in night
     As well as the nervous system
     Serving the humans

 River flowing softly
    Sensing and percepting thus
    Easy as it is

 Like the trees swaying
   Being conscious is a must
   Following the wind

 Achieving wisdom
    Reminiscing memories
    Like a scenic view

 A thoughtful person
     Like an ocean filled with fish
     Mind is full of thoughts

 Cats chasing the rats
      Showing the drive of the cat
      Reaching his pleasure

 Rising and hiding
    Behind the clouds is the sun
    Feelings altering

 A genius he is
   Intelligence has it all
   He is wise indeed

 Different lifestyles
    Like how cats differ from fish
    Traits defined it all

 He must be immune 
     Adjustment is important
     Problems he must solve

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Chapter II : Heredity


All human beings are more or less alike with each other in physical aspect. They vary considerably though in such factors as height, color of the skin, facial characteristics and intelligence. How can we seem to be alike but also be different at the same time? We all have the same body parts but we are also different with each other. We are unique in our own way because we have different genes that we inherited from our parents. You inherited your height from your father while the color of your hair was inherited from your mother. That’s why at the same time, the genes of your parents were transferred to you. The reason behind this was the heredity.

Why do children look like their parents? Why do brothers and sisters resemble each other? This is because we “inherit” traits from our parents. The passing of traits from parents to child is the basis of heredity. When we talk about heredity, the traits of one people can be relate to it easily. Our genes encode the instructions that define our traits. Each of us has thousands of genes, which are made of DNA and reside in our chromosomes. The environment we grow up and live in also helps define our traits. For example, while a person’s genes may specify a certain hair color, exposure to chemicals or sunlight can change that color.

Humans have two complete sets of twenty-three chromosomes,  meaning forty-six in total. These are threadlike structures that come in twenty-three pairs, one member of each pair comes from one parent. These are composed of DNA or Deoxyribonucleic Acid that is a complex molecule that contains genetic information. The units of hereditary information are short segments of chromosomes that compose the DNA that are known as genes. When parents conceive a child, they each contribute one complete set to the child. In this way, parents pass genes to the child.

Twenty-two pairs of chromosomes carry genes that determine the structures and behavior that are not sex-linked. The remaining pair of chromosomes called the sex chromosomes determine the sex of an individual. The sex chromosomes also carry genes determining other characteristics called sex-linked characteristics like baldness, colorblindness and hemophilia. By convention, the sex chromosomes are labelled x and y. Males have an x and a y sex chromosomes, females have two xx chromosomes.

The genes are the hereditary factors or “determiners” within the chromosomes. They are assumed to be “packets of chemicals” strung along the chromosomes like beads on a thread or peas in a pod.  Studies reveal that one constituent of genes, DNA has been tentatively identified as the primary genetic substance.

Genes work in pairs because the chromosomes inherited from the mother and the father pair up in such a way that pairs of similar genes determine particular characteristics. If a trait is determined by a single pair of identical genes, there is no doubt about the characteristics that will be produced.

The similarities between organisms of any kind are determined by heredity. Children are like their father or their mother or both. Yet, even if children are much like their parents, they may also have some of the characteristics of their grandparents. The reason behind this was because we inherit not only from our parents but from our ancestors as well.

Even if children look very much like their parents, we can still recognize one from each other. Each one of us tends to be different from our parents and from one another. No two individuals are exactly alike. Even identical twins differ from each other in certain ways. Some of these differences between organisms of the same specie are due to heredity, other are due to environment.

Every individual is a product of both heredity and environment. Man is a product of both nature and nurture – under the influence of these two factors he grows and changes biologically and psychologically. Heredity and environment in interacting with one another produce the whole range of individual differences.

Individuals differ from each other. Heredity and environment produce the whole range of individual differences among human beings. The internal environment is within an organism while the external environment which the stimuli is from the outside. It also includes our social environment composed of all human beings influencing us in any way or another. Our social environment is extremely important in shaping our individual especially our individual behavior and personality. 

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Chapter I : Psychology as a Science

The writings of ancient Greek philosophers who did much speculation about the motivational aspects of human behavior , while the scientists of the Renaissance also made their own contributions by introducing the idea that observations could be further objectified through measurements, then the German psychologists and physicists of the nineteenth century used measurement techniques to study sensation and thus laid the foundation for scientific psychology. In primitive societies, man’s thinking about the phenomena of nature was restricted to uncritical traditions and superstitions.
The word psychology was derived from two Greek words, psyche (soul) and logos (discourse). Psychology or “mental philosophy was thus literally a study of soul. About four centuries ago, mental philosophers began o translate psyche as “mind” and psychology was then defined as “a study of mind”. It was eventually replaced by the definition of psychology as “ the science of behavior”.

Psychology is a science because it is systematic, empirical and dependent upon measurement. It is  is defined most simply as the scientific study of scientific 
thought or behavior.

Psychology is considered a science because it uses the scientific method in its analysis of human or animal behavior. The scientific method, in its simplest form, consists of several steps. The first step is asking a question. Psychologists ask questions regarding human behavior and try to get answers. The second step is doing background research. Psychologists have a wealth of background research available to them because of years of psychological research. The third step is to form a hypothesis. In psychology, there are many different hypotheses. Typically, psychology uses theoretical frameworks for forming a hypothesis. The fourth step the scientific method is to test the hypothesis using experiments. Psychologists have designed many different clever experiments to test the validity of different frameworks.An example of a theoretical framework for psychology is the birth order hypothesis for personality theory. Psychology encompasses a wide variety of brain sciences that use behavioral frameworks to predict behavior. In addition to personality theory, psychologists study personality and behavioral disorders such as obsessive compulsive disorder or schizophrenia using frameworks.The facts that psychologists are able to test the validity of their frameworks using the scientific method and psychologists are able to test their theories and try to modify them over time to fit new data is why psychology is considered a science.

Psychology is clearly a science because (1) It uses scientific method, almost all the methods of psychology are more or less scientific in their nature. Of these the experimental method is the most exact. (2) It is factual, psychology studies the facts of behaviour. (3) The laws of psychology are universal, the laws of psychology have been found to be correct in every time and place, under the same conditions. The general principles of human psychology are universal, whatever differences there may be in the psychology of different individuals. (4) The laws of psychology are veridical, thus by verification and reverification psychological principles have been found to be true everywhere. They can be verified by any one. (5) Psychology discovers the cause - effect relationship in human behavior. (6) Psychology predicts Human Behavior, by discovering the cause- effect relationship, psychology also predicts human behavior and these predictions are generally correct.

Psychology refers to the scientific study of behavior and mental processes. Behavior includes all of our outward or overt actions and reactions such as talking, facial expressions, and movements. Behavior and mental processes in animals and humans are studied using the scientific method so that their results will be as precise as possible. There are different types of behavior including, conscious and unconscious; rational and irrational; voluntary and involuntary; and covert and overt.

In a young and growing science, internal disputes often occur and psychology is not an exception. Psychologists have different ideas about what psychology should or should not include, about what it should emphasize and about what research methods are the best. When a large number of psychologists strongly support a certain view they are called a “school”. There are also schools of psychology namely, structuralism, functionalism, psychoanalysis, gestalt, cognitive, humanistic, existentialist and experimental.

The study of human behavior is a broad area and because of that, such varied material, several specialized subdivisions have developed. Like science, psychology have different branches as follows: general, physiological, comparative, genetic experimental developmental, personality, cognitive, abnormal, clinical, counselling, educational, social and industrial psychology.
Psychology also includes other sciences such as, physiology, history, sociology, and anthropology. It also involves indigenous methods: “pakapa-kapa”, “patanong-tanong”, “pagmamasid”, “pakikipanayam”, and “pagdalaw”.

Psychology as a science is of great importance to man because psychological problems are common to them.  Like any other sciences, it is a behavioral science. It is a scientific method applied to the study of behavior with the view of explaining why people act and behave the way they do. It enables the individual to learn more quickly and to chose a vocation more intelligently; enables a person to understand that no two individuals are alike; and also enables a person to resolve his own problems and to develop greater personal efficiency thus, the person develops himself into a well-integrated and happy individual.